Friday, May 15, 2009


Scenario Sunday is a paintball event that happens every sunday of every last month starting in April. Its half way up to Harper in the woods and it's lots of fun. They have over 150 kids and parent sow up for Scenario Sunday. The people who run the paintball place also run the go cart place. For scenario they put on the biggest game which takes from 12:30 to 6:00 pm. If you complete certain missions you could win tons of prizes like a paintball gun, paint grenades, paintballs and lots of other prizes. The prices are lower for scenario day, to rent a gun it's $20 and 5 hundred paintballs are also $20. Like I said before it's really fun to go with friends and family if you haven't tried paintball before please and go and try Scenario Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott are you ready to go to scenario Sunday. It would be fun if next weekend on Sunday we could go. I could make the arrangements and book us a place to play. If none of can get the money then we should just hangout and play Halo3 or something.

